10 Countries With Mandatory Military Service


Russian men, aged 18 to 27, face mandatory military service, with discussions about raising the age limit to 30 due to losses in the Ukraine war.

South Korea

South Korean men, aged 18 to 35, must complete 18 to 21 months of military service, including five weeks of combat training, as mandated by law.


Israeli Security Service Law mandates military service for all Israelis at 18, except the ultra-Orthodox and Arab Israelis.


Article 143 of Brazil's constitution mandates 12 months of compulsory military service for all male citizens aged 18.


In Iran, men over 18 face 18 to 24 months of mandatory military service, exemptions exist for women and health conditions.


In 2019, Turkey reduced compulsory military service to six months, with the option to extend or pay a fee for exemption; applicable to male citizens aged 20 to 41.


Compulsory military service in Cuba requires men to serve for two years between 17 and 28, with voluntary options for women.


Military service is compulsory for men - starting at the age of 20 - and voluntary for women in Switzerland.


Eritrea's criticized conscription system enforces lifelong government service, requiring military training before secondary school completion; despite an 18-month legal limit.


In 2017, Sweden reinstated conscription due to Russia's escalating military activities, applying to both men and women for a nine to 12-month service period.


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