10 Endangered Rainforests In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 21, 2023

Amazon Rainforest (South America)

Faces ongoing threats from deforestation, logging, and agricultural expansion.

Sumatra (Indonesia)

Home to critically endangered species and threatened by palm oil plantations, logging, and human encroachment.

Borneo (Malaysia and Indonesia)

Under threat due to deforestation for palm oil, logging, and human settlement.

Congo Basin Rainforest (Africa)

Experiencing habitat loss due to logging, agriculture, and infrastructure development.

New Guinea (Indonesia and Papua New Guinea)

Threatened by logging, mining, and agriculture, leading to habitat degradation.

Atlantic Forest (South America)

Highly fragmented and endangered due to agriculture, urbanization, and logging.

Western Ghats (India)

Faces threats from habitat loss due to agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development.

Madagascar Rainforest (Madagascar)

Under pressure from deforestation, primarily for agriculture and logging.

Philippine Archipelago (Philippines)

Many rainforests are critically endangered due to logging, agriculture, and urban expansion.

Greater Mekong (Southeast Asia)

The Region is has world's most extensive collective tiger habitat which is decreasing every year.


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