10 Inspiring Persons Who Changed The World Forever

From Aristotle, Galileo Galilei to Sir Isaac Newton, take a look at 10 most inspiring persons who changed the world for better.


A towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, he made important contributions to logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. He was a student of Plato but rejected his theory of forms

Christopher Columbus

This Italian explorer is known for his 1492 'discovery' of the New World of the Americas on board his ship Santa Maria.

Galileo Galilei

He was an Italian astronomer who provided a number of scientific insights that laid the foundation for future scientists. With his investigation of the laws of motion and the telescope, he revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Sir Isaac Newton

He was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. He laid the foundation for differential and integral calculus. His work on optics and gravitation makes him one of the greatest scientists the world has known.

Charles Darwin

He was an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, widely known for his contributions to evolutionary biology.

Abraham Lincoln

He was the 16th President of the US. He led the nation during the Civil War and enacted the Emancipation Proclamation that paved the way for the abolition of slavery.

Sigmund Freud

He is regarded as the father of psychoanalysis. He was a physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and influential thinker of the early twentieth century.

Mahatma Gandhi

Regarded as the Father Of The Nation, he was a social reformist and leader of the Indian Independence Movement who introduced the idea of non-violent resistance called Satyagraha.

Albert Einstein

This German-born theoretical physicist is best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2

Nelson Mandela

He was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999


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