10 Most Powerful Volcanic Eruptions In History

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 20, 2023

Mount Vesuvius, Italy - 79 CE

Exploded on August 24 in 79 CE, destroying the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Located at the Bay of Naples, it remains active to this day.

Krakatoa, Indonesia - 1883

Indonesia, with 150 active volcanoes, experienced a deadly 1883 eruption that triggered a tsunami, claiming around 34,000 lives.

Laki, Iceland - 1783 and 1784

A prolonged eruption of lava flows and explosions lasting over eight months, leading to a famine that claimed the lives of over 10,000 people.

Mount Pelée, Martinique - 1902

In May 1902, a volcanic eruption triggered a fatal tsunami on the island, followed by a catastrophic explosion that killed 30,000 residents within minutes.

Mount Tambora, Indonesia - 1815

Eruption claimed 71,000 lives, one of history's deadliest. The still-active volcano stands among the tallest peaks in the Indonesian archipelago.

Mount Saint Helens, Washington state - 1980

On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted following an earthquake, causing the deadliest volcanic event in US history with 57 fatalities.

Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia - 1985

Erupting since 1570, had a devastating event on November 13, 1985, when melted ice triggered mudslides, claiming 23,000 lives.

Novarupta, Alaska - 1912

The largest volcanic blast of the 20th century, expelled 12.5 cubic km of magma and ash into the air, covering a vast area of 3,000 square miles.

Mount Tarawera, New Zealand - 1886

The largest in New Zealand's history with VEI 5 blasts audible up to 310 miles (498 km) away, delivered a seismic shock to the North Island.

Huaynaputina, Peru - 1600

This peak witnessed South America's largest recorded volcanic eruption, with mudflows reaching the Pacific Ocean, located 75 miles (120 km) away.


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