10 Things Banned Inside The Olympics Stadium in Paris 2024

( All photo credit: X and freepik)

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 26, 2024

Electronic Devices

Certain electronic devices like laser pointers, selfie sticks, and portable power banks are banned in venues to prevent distraction, injury, and obstruct views. These rules aim to ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Pets and Animals

Pets are not allowed inside Olympic venues to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees. Exceptions are made for service animals, which must have proper identification and documentation.

Noise Makers and Disturbances

To ensure a comfortable and focused environment for both athletes and spectators, loud noise-making devices such as air horns, vuvuzelas, and whistles are banned as it may cause significant disruptions and detract from the enjoyment of the event.

Large Bags and Luggage

Large bags, backpacks, and suitcases are typically banned inside Olympic venues to streamline security checks and avoid congestion. Limiting the size and type of bags also helps reduce the risk of obstructions and potential hazards within the stadium.

Recording Devices

Professional camera and video recording equipment, drones, and high-quality audio recording devices are generally prohibited without proper media accreditation to ensure safe and uninterrupted coverage, prevent accidents, and maintain airspace security.

Banners and Flags

Large banners and flags that may obstruct the view of other spectators are banned to ensure everyone has a clear line of sight and items with political, religious, or commercial messages are prohibited to maintain the focus on the sporting event and avoid controversy.

Glass Containers

Glass containers, which can easily break and cause injury, are also prohibited as it may break accidentally and cause injury to the attendees nearby and ensure a safe and pleasant experience for everyone.

Food and Drink

Large amounts of food and beverages are banned to prevent littering and maintain cleanliness. Attendees are typically allowed to bring only small quantities of food and drink for personal consumption into Olympic venues.

Alcohol and Drugs

Bringing alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and substances into Olympic venues is forbidden to prevent disorderly conduct and ensure a family-friendly atmosphere. However, prescription medications are allowed only with proper medical documentation to avoid misuse.

Weapons and Dangerous Objects

Firearms, knives, and any other sharp objects that can be used as weapons are strictly prohibited within Olympic stadiums to ensure the safety of all attendees and to maintain a secure environment.


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