7 Amazing Facts About Beluga Whale

Camouflage Adaptation

White skin of belugas enables them to blend in with Arctic and sub-Arctic ice.

Lifespan Estimate

Typically, whales have a life expectancy of around 30 years.

Diverse Vocalisations

Belugas produce up to 11 distinct sounds, including chirps, whistles, cackles, and squawks.

The Melon

The bump on a beluga's head, known as a melon, changes shape depending on the sound emitted.

Unique Trait

Unlike other whales and dolphins, belugas can turn their heads.

Sociability Factor

Belugas are highly sociable, forming groups averaging around 10 individuals.

Feeding Technique

They use their teeth not for chewing but to grasp prey, which they then swallow whole.


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