7 Animals That Collect Things

(All photo credit: pixabay)

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 08, 2024


With a discerning eye for blue objects, male bowerbirds are famous for constructing elaborate nests, called bowers, to attract mates and decorate their bowers with brightly colored objects like berries, flowers, and even man-made items like bottle caps.


Known for their curious nature and attraction to shiny objects, they often collect and hoard coins, jewelry, and other glittering items in their nests.

Packrats (Woodrats)

Known for their tendency to collect a variety of objects, including twigs, leaves, bones, and human-made items, Packrats use these items to build complex nests called middens, which can grow quite large over time.


Squirrels are famous for their habit of collecting and storing nuts and seeds, they bury their food in various locations, a behavior known as caching, to ensure they have enough to eat during winter.


Crows are highly intelligent birds known to collect shiny or interesting objects, such as bottle caps, keys, and pieces of metal and often stash these items in secret places or even bring them as gifts to humans who feed them.

Weaver Birds

Weaver birds are highly skilled at creating these nests, male weaver birds collect grass, leaves, and twigs to create intricate, hanging nests and the nests are often woven together in elaborate designs to attract potential mates.

Hermit Crabs

For protection of the body, Hermit crabs collect and use empty shells as their homes, moving into larger shells as they grow and also often compete with other crabs for the best shells and may even decorate their shells with seaweed or other objects.


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