7 Animals That Hibernate

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 26, 2024


Marmots hibernate in burrows, where they gather in groups to stay warm. They lower their body temperature and enter a deep sleep.


Skunks enter a state of torpor during the winter, a lighter form of hibernation and wake up occasionally to forage for food on warmer days.


Known for its long hibernation period, which can last up to six months and also lowers their body temperature and heart rate to conserve energy.

Ground Squirrel

Ground squirrels hibernate in underground burrows, where they lower their body temperature and heart rate.


Many bat species hibernate during winter, often in caves or old buildings.


Hedgehogs hibernate through the coldest part of winter, curling into a tight ball in a sheltered nest made of leaves and grass.

Brown Bear

Brown bears enter a state of hibernation during the winter months, slowing their metabolism and surviving off stored body fat.


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