7 Birds You Must Know That Lay Blue Eggs

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 28, 2024

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird represents love, happiness, and hope. These birds lay pale blue eggs and sometimes white eggs too. These birds are deep blue above and brick red on the throat.


Dunnock is one of the common bird species and resembles sparrows but is not. These birds lay blue eggs in cup-shaped nests.

American Robin

American Robin eggs are blue in color because of their biliverdin which is a pigment deposited on the eggshell when females lay eggs.

House Finch

House Finch lay pale blue-green color eggs. The birds are territorial around food and nest and are known to fight off non-native house sparrows.

Song Thrush

Song Thrush bords eggs are in sky-blu color with black spots in it. They take 14 days to incubate and a further 14 days before fledging.

European Starling

European Starling has glossy eggs in a pale bluish-green color. Their eggs are smaller and darker than a Robin's eggs.


Blackbird eggs are smooth and glossy of greenish blue color with heavy red-brown freckles which makes them seem brown overall.


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