7 Breathtaking Sea Creatures That Look Charming

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 02, 2024


Lanternfishes have groupings of organs that produce light on the inner side of their head, tails, and body. This allows them to adjust the brightness of organs to match the light at the surface.

Beluga Whale

Beluga whales are white whales, considered smart sea creatures that adapt well to living in cold waters. The beautiful echolocation abilities make them unique to underwater noise pollution.


Bioluminescence attracts other creatures, prey, and predators due to their incredible light that has independently evolved at least 40 times.

Discus Fish

Discus fish are known for their calm behavior, unique shape, and bright colors with patterns. They are popular freshwater aquarium fish and are referred to as pompadour fish.

Leafy Sea Dragon

They are fascinating to admire. Leafy Sea Dragon steers and turns by moving the tiny translucent fins alongside the head, moving in water using their dorsal fins and spine.

Giant Isopod

A Giant Isopod is a bigger sea creature called deep-sea gigantism. They have good sensory adaptations which help them to navigate in the dark.

Sea Angel

Sea angels are faster swimmers. They have small wings compared to their relative sea butterflies, by using their sculling motion these angels can swim quickly and fast.


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