7 Famous Archeological Discoveries

Nitesh Dubey
Jan 08, 2025

The World is full of mysteries and Archeological Discoveries. Lets see some of the famous discoveries of the world.

Tutankhamun’s Tomb

Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in 1922 which showed the ancient history of the Egyptian King Tutankhamun.

Cave Of Altamira

The Cave of Altamira was discovered in 1880 which showed many ancient human made arts including paintings of Mammals.


The world’s oldest stone which is considered to be 3.3 Million years old was discovered in Lomekwi, Kenya

Richard lll’s grave

After the battle of Bosworth the King was buried near the church which was discovered after 530 years in a car park of London.

Staffordshire Hoard

The hoard is the world’s largest Hoard of metal elements ever discovered consisting of more than 4600 metal fragments.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a large dark color stone with the text written with three different languages Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphic.


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