7 Famous Historical Figures

Aug 06, 2024

George Washington

He was the first President of America and bought slaves throughout his life.

Elizabeth II

She was the recent Queen of England but unfortunately died in 2022.

Mark Zuckerberg

He’s the inventor of Facebook and Instagram Social Media App and is one of the most influential people on the earth.

Rosa Parks

She became an Icon of the American Civil Rights Movement after she refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.

John F. Kennedy

He is one of the favourite Presidents of all times of America but was assassinated at the age of 46 years.

Thomas Edison

He was the inventor of the Light Bulb and patented many of his other inventions.

Christopher Columbus

He found America in 1492. Though the land was already occupied by other people, his arrival marked a new beginning of colonization among Americans.


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