7 Impressive Facts About Snakes

Reptile Diversity

Snakes are the second largest group of reptiles, with more than 3,000 species, trailing only behind lizards.

Cold Climate Birth

In colder climates, some snakes give birth to live offspring instead of laying eggs because the eggs wouldn't survive in such conditions.

Eyelid Absence

Snakes lack eyelids, so they don't blink and sleep with their eyes open.

Smell Evolution

They rely on their tongue and Jacobson's organ in the roof of their mouth to smell.

Solar Heat Dependence

Unlike mammals and birds, snakes rely on external heat sources like the sun to regulate their body temperature.

Food Consumption

Snakes swallow their prey whole while eating because they can't chew.

Skin Shedding

They shed their skin between 4 and 12 times annually.


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