7 Incredible Unknown Facts About Whales

Zee Media Bureau
May 02, 2023

The Biggest Animal In The World

Whales are the biggest animal in the world. While blue whales are the largest whales, the Antarctic blue whales typically outsize the rest. The largest blue whales can reach lengths of 98 feet.

Whales Include Dolphins And Narwhal

Whale family includes dolphins, porpoises, and narwhal. Beluga whales are also in the whale family as well as killer whales or orcas. They are all marine mammals in the cetacean family.

Whales Have The Biggest Babies On Earth

Blue whale babies weigh 5-6,000 pounds at birth. They come out at around 23 feet long as well.

Killer Whales Hunt in Packs

Killer whales hunt in packs. Together they are not afraid to even take on some of the fiercest sharks.

Blue Whale’s Call Is Loud

The calls of whales can be extremely loud as well. The call of the blue whale can be close to 180 decibels. That is louder than a chainsaw, stock car race, or even your favorite rock concert.

Humpback Whales

Humpback whales in the North Pacific migrate every winter more than 3,000 miles every day.

Sperm Whales Can Hold Their Breath For 90 Minutes

Sperm whales are deep divers, so they need to be able to hold their breath for a long time. They can store oxygen in their blood and muscles, allowing them to stay submerged for up to 90 minutes.


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