7 Interesting Animals That Hibernate In Summers

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 12, 2024


To escape the heat, Hedgehogs hibernate themselves and they can stay in this state up to 6 weeks.


Most of the land snails, especially who lived in arid regions, estivate during hot days. Snail needs moisture to survive. So, if the weather is not cooperating then they motivate themselves to take escape from hot climate.


African lungfish estivate themselves by burrowing into mud and entering a sleeping state to conserve their energy and water during summer days.


Some species of crocodiles estivate in burrows or underwater dens and slowing their metabolism to conserve energy during hot summer days.

Brilliant Beetle:

The desert-dwelling brilliant beetle seals itself in a burrow and estivate themselves to avoid the intense summer heat and shortage of food.

Gila Monsters:

These dessert-dwelling lizards their most of the summer in the sleeping phase in burrows to avoid the extreme hot temperature.

Desert Tortoise:

To escape from summer heat, these reptiles burrow themselves and significantly they reduce their activity levels in these hot days.


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