The world's largest animal, reaching lengths of up to 100 feet and weighing up to 200 tonnes, it feeds mostly on krill.
The world's largest land animal, distinguished by its long trunk and enormous ears, plays an important role in its ecology.
It is known for its long neck and towering height, which allow it to reach leaves high up in trees for food.
The largest living reptile, found along the coasts of the Indian and Pacific oceans, is recognised for its enormous size and power.
The largest toothed whale, reaching lengths of up to 60 feet and renowned for its deep diving capabilities.
The largest living bird, famed for its long legs and ability to sprint quickly, lives in savannas and semi-arid environments.
Kodiaks are the world's largest bears. A huge male can stand over 10' tall on his hind legs and 5' on all fours.