7 Laziest Animals On Earth

(All photo credit: pixabay)

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 08, 2024


Pythons are slow-moving animals and are known for their long periods of inactivity. Pythons rely on ambush hunting, which requires minimal energy expenditure.


Also known as the spiny anteater, Echidnas are solitary and spend a significant amount of time resting in burrows. They have a low metabolic rate and feed on ants and

Nurse Sharks

Known for their sluggish behavior and slow swimming speed and are bottom-dwellers and spend a lot of time resting on the ocean floor, feeding on small fish and invertebrates.


Known for its unique reproductive strategy called brood parasitism, it lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species, allowing the cuckoo to avoid raising its own young, relying instead on the host birds to incubate the eggs and feed the chicks.

Giant Pandas

Giant pandas spend around 10-16 hours a day eating bamboo and resting. Bamboo is low in nutrients, so pandas need to consume large quantities to meet their energy needs.


Known for their slow movement and spend about 15-20 hours a day sleeping and are well adapted to hanging upside down from tree branches.


Koalas spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping and mostly active during the night and spend their waking hours eating.


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