7 Sneaky Animals Known for Stealing Items


Known for their intelligence, octopuses in aquariums have been observed stealing fish from neighboring tanks


In areas where monkeys and humans live in close proximity, such as certain tourist spots in Asia, monkeys have become adept at stealing food


These bold birds are infamous for swooping down to snatch food right out of people's hands, especially in seaside towns where they've become accustomed to human presence.


Foxes have been known to steal shoes left outside of people's homes and have a penchant for anything they can snatch, often out of curiosity or the lure of food.


Known for their habit of raiding bird feeders, squirrels can go to great lengths to steal seeds and nuts.


Part of the crow family, magpies have a reputation for being attracted to shiny objects such as jewelry and coins, which they sometimes take to adorn their nests.


With their dexterous paws, raccoons are notorious for rummaging through trash cans, stealing pet food, and even taking shiny objects from unsuspecting humans.


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