7 Unique Fruits From All Around The World

Khuraijam Roger Singh
Sep 06, 2024


Commonly called the African horned cucumber, it is primarily used as a snack or salad, and rarely for decoration. It can be eaten at any stage of ripening.


Pandanus has multiple uses, which is dependent in part on each type and location. Some pandanus are a source of food, while others provide raw material for clothing, basket weaving and shelter.

Buddha’s Hand

Looks like a mutated hand, unlike other citrus fruits, most varieties of the Buddha's hand fruit contain no pulp or juice.


Rambutans are rich in vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant. Consuming antioxidants helps fight off free radicals, which are waste products in the body that can damage the cells.


Commonly known as chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine, or five-leaf akebia, the fruit contains a sweet soft pulp resembling a white dragon fruit, eaten primarily in Japan as a seasonal delicacy.


Known as star fruit, it is sweet and slightly sour, it’s a good alternative to citrus and works well as a garnish.


Known in some regions as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odor, and thorn-covered rind and is highly nutritious.


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