8 Animals That Are Always Happy

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024


Dolphins are friendly and tend to have a joyous nature. They are often seen enjoying and playing.


This small creature is famous for being the happiest animal and is always seen smiling.

Red Panda

Red Panda is too cute to handle and is known to have a smiling face.


Meerkats are often seen smiling and being joyful most of the time.


Penguins are cheerful and have a lovely and affectionate bonding with their mates.

Golden Retriever

They are so full of love and positivity and you will always find them smiling and wagging their tails.


Otters are full of joy and they love holding hands with each other and swimming.

Tree Kangaroo

Tree Kangaroo always looks charming and they enjoy climbing and radiate positive vibes.


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