8 Animals Where Female Dominate The Male

All Image Credit: Unsplash

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 22, 2024


The females are stronger, larger and more aggressive than males. They lead the clan, make decisions and dominate the male.


The females are stronger and more powerful than the males. They have a peaceful society during female dominance.


The herds of the elephants are led by the oldest female known as matriarch. She is the leader of the group and guides the younger ones in survival.


Females are the main hunters and caretaker of the cubs while the males are involved in defending.


Also called the ‘Killer Whale’ like elephants, the oldest Orcas lead the group and guide the younger member for hunting.


Their society is ruled by queen bees who lay all the eggs and others are in protection of the queen.


Like bees their colonies are also led by female queens who are responsible for reproduction while other ants handle taste and protect the queen.

Spotted Sandpiper

The females are more aggressive and defend their territories while male incubate the egg and care for the young.


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