8 Blood-Feeder Vampire Like Animals You Must Know

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 18, 2024


These tiny animals are one of the most well-known bloodsuckers. The females feed on blood to produce eggs and their bites can spread into diseases like malaria or dengue fever.


These are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of birds or mammals. Fleas can cause irritation, itching, or even anemia to their predators and can jump up to 150 times as per their body length


Leeches are segmented worms that suck at each end of their body. They stick themselves to their host and then suck blood, secret hirudin to prevent blood from clotting.


These are jawless fish that have a sucker mouth. Lampreys attach themselves to the host and use their teeth to remove flesh and blood.

Vampire Finch

The vampire finch is found in the Galapagos Islands and feeds on the blood of birds while using their sharp peak to feed on the blood.

Vampire Bat

The mammalian vampire feeds blood, especially warm-blooded animals by using their sharp teeth to make a small cut at their host's skin and then sucking blood. These can be found in South or Central America.

Kissing Bug

These are small insects known as vampire bugs that feed on the blood of mammals or humans. They are found in Central or South America and transmit a fatal disease called Chagas disease.


This vampire fis can be found in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. They attack other fish by entering their gills.


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