8 Most Laziest Animals In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024


The lion can sleep up to 20 hours a day and he spends his time sleeping in the sunlight.


The sloths are the laziest animals and are known for their being lazy side. SLoths may spend more than 80 percent of their day sleeping.


The animals are said to be healthy for the environment. They can sleep for around 18 hours a day.

Giant Panda

Pandas may sleep about 12 hours a day and this happens because of their bamboo and food source.


Hippopotamus can sleep on water and land and they can sleep up to 20 hours per day.


This animal can sleep for 20 hours a day due to their which lacks the nutrients and calories.

Sea Cows

Sea cows are one of the laziest animals and they prefer to stay on downland of the water bodies and like less interaction.


The lazy wild animal may spend over 16 hours a day while sleeping.


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