8 Most Peaceful Countries In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Jan 02, 2025


Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world, with a low crime rate, peace and good education.


The political neutrality in the country for 70 years has made it one of the most peaceful countries in the world.


The organized country with smooth rules and regulations with a very low crime rate is also a peaceful country.

New Zealand

New Zealand, a peaceful and one of the most beautiful countries in the world, is known for their democratic principles and fair elections.


Switzerland is the country who has not been involved in any war since 1847 and is known for its democracy and beauty.


Singapore, one of the most beautiful countries to travel to, is a peaceful country with low crimes and rules.


Portugal was the third most peaceful country in the 2019 and 2020 Global Peace Index and has increased the peacemaking fund.


Slovenia is the only country in Central Europe to get registered in the Global Peace Index


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