8 Oldest Language In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 12, 2023


Among the oldest classical languages, with a rich literary tradition, still spoken in Southern India and Sri Lanka.


An ancient Indo-Aryan language that served as a classical language in ancient India, influencing many modern languages.

Persian (Farsi)

Rooted in ancient Persia, Farsi is spoken in Iran and parts of Central Asia.


Ancient Greek is the precursor to Modern Greek, known for its significant impact on literature, philosophy, and science.


The language of the Hebrew Bible, revived and spoken in modern Israel.

Chinese (Mandarin)

While modern Mandarin is not directly continuous with ancient Chinese, it has ancient roots and a rich literary tradition.


An ancient Semitic language with historical and religious significance, once spoken across the ancient Near East.


A Semitic language with a long history, Arabic is spoken across the Arab world and has a rich cultural and literary heritage.


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