8 Things You Can Do To Combat Climate Change

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 29, 2023

Energy Conservation

By using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use and by considering renewable energy sources.

Transportation Choices

Opt for eco-friendly transportation options such as walking, cycling, carpooling or by using public transportation.

Waste Reduction

Practice waste reduction by recycling, composting and minimizing single-use plastic consumption.

Advocacy and Education

Stay informed about climate change issues and advocate for sustainable practices by sharing knowledge with others and supporting policies that promote sustainability.

Tree Planting and Conservation

Participate in tree-planting initiatives and support organizations working on forest conservation like CHINTAN, Greenpeace India, etc.

Educational Initiatives

Educate yourself and others about climate change, its causes and potential solutions.

Water Conservation

Conserve water by fixing leaks, using water efficient appliances and by being mindful of water usage in day to day chores.

Green Purchasing

Choose products with eco-friendly certifications and support companies that prioritize sustainability.


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