9 Deadliest Insects Across the Globe

Driver Ants

These ants form large colonies that can kill various animals during raids, using their strong mandibles to cause pain and distress​

Assassin Caterpillar (Lonomia Obliqua)

Found in the Americas, the venom from this caterpillar can disrupt blood clotting and cause internal bleeding, potentially leading to death​

Cow Killer (Velvet Ants)

Female velvet ants have a powerful sting and venom in their saliva, posing a threat to humans and animals alike with their bites and stings​


Vespula, or yellowjackets, can sting multiple times, injecting venom that causes intense pain and, in some cases, severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis​

Harvester Ants

These ants are considered the most venomous by volume, with stings that can kill rodents and cause severe pain and potentially deadly infections to humans​

Deathstalker Scorpion

Although not an insect but an arachnid, the deathstalker scorpion's venom is highly toxic and can be lethal, especially to children​


While bee stings can induce allergic reactions leading to anaphylaxis and death, Africanized honey bees, also known as "killer bees"

Kissing Bug

Known for biting humans around the mouth, kissing bugs can transmit Chagas disease, which is fatal if untreated and kills about 12,000 people annually worldwide​


Despite their ubiquity, mosquitoes are the deadliest insects, responsible for over 700,000 deaths annually by transmitting diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika


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