History's Top 10 Minds And Their Mental Health Struggles

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 16, 2023

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven, the renowned composer, grappled with total deafness, Paget's disease, and likely bipolar disorder, showcasing intense bursts of creativity during manic episodes.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, the Post-Impressionist maestro, faced a life of destitution, severe depression, and minimal art sales, his genius recognized only after his death.

Winston Churchill

Famed for his WWII leadership, grappled with enduring depression, dubbed his "black dog," coped through heavy drinking, and avoided high ledges to manage his mental struggles.

Ernest Hemingway

The brilliant novelist behind classics such as 'The Old Man and the Sea' and 'A Farewell to Arms,' famously struggled with depression and alcoholism throughout his life.

Virginia Woolf

A pioneering feminist author, faced bipolar disorder, institutionalizations, and suicidal attempts amid limited mental health support.

Charles Darwin

The "Father of Evolution," faced chronic physical ailments and likely experienced frequent panic attacks, revealing symptoms of severe anxiety disorder.

Paul Lafargue

At 69 in 1911, LaFargue and wife injected cyanide as planned, citing his aversion to outliving 70 and an earlier intention to end his life when money ran low.

Abbie Hoffman

Abbie Hoffman, the iconic political activist and Chicago Seven member, struggled with depression and bipolar disorder throughout his life.

Hannibal Barca

After a successful career downturn and years of evasion, Carthaginian general Hannibal ended his life by ingesting hidden poison, having failed to capture Rome.

Gilles Deleuze

Deleuze, grappling with respiratory problems since childhood and a lung removal in 1968, tragically took his own life in 1995 at the age of 70.


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