Japan's Long Life Secrets: 7 Surprising Habits Of Japanese People

Healthiest Diet

Japanese people eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The inclusion of seaweed and fish in their diet provides them with different essential nutrients.

Regular Exercise

Japanese people stay active through daily physical activity, like walking or biking. Often sitting in the Thunderbolt pose makes their digestion, metabolism and overall body stable

Strong Social Connections

Japanese people prioritize building close relationships with family and friends. They are really easy to talk to, usually great listeners and often show a genuine interest to know you

Cooking Method

Japanese people often cook with gentle heat and minimal oil to preserve nutrients. They use healthy methods like steaming, fermenting and slow cooking.

Relaxation Techniques

Japanese people practice stress-reducing activities like meditation and deep breathing.

Good Sleep Habits

Japanese people aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to rest and recharge.

Herbal Tea

Japanese people drink herbal tea, like green tea, for its health benefits. The tea-drinking culture of Japan goes a long way in fighting diseases due to its anti-bacterial properties.


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