Meet the World's 'Dumbest' Bird

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 27, 2024


The Bird known as Shoebill, Can be found in freshwater swamps of Africa from South Sudan to Zambia.

Death Stare:

This unique bird can stare you back. The continuous stare while waiting for prey considered as the stupid behaviour.

Comic Appearance:

The unusual appearance of the shoebill contributes to the thinking that they are dumb.


The clumsy action of the bird portrays the image as a clueless bird. Especially for those who are unaware of the facts about Shoebill.


Shoebill is a quiet bird who barely communicates or makes any noise. Apart from the brewing season.

Ultimate Silence:

As this bird does not like to socialise. They do not make any kind of noise. Which might seem awkward for some.

Eating Habit:

Shoebill has a huge beak which helps to catch the huge fishes. Also shoebills sometimes eat what nobody would want to eat in the animal kingdom.

Huge Size:

Shoebill birds are quite bigger in size. The fact that a shoebill can be up to five feet tall might leave you amazed.


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