PICS: Bright, Colourful Lights Appear On Skies Of The UK, What Are They And Why Do Happen?

Varun Yadav
Feb 28, 2023

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights appear on the skies of the United Kingdom.

What Are They?

These are bright and colourful lights in the rainbow colours, predominantly in green, red, violet, colours seen like a magic of nature.

Known as Polar Lights

These are also called the polar lights where they are most predominantly seen in high-latitude regions.

Why Do They Appear?

When the charged particles of the solar wind strike the earth’s atmosphere filled with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, it happens. Continue...

Why Do They Appear?

The collision releases the energy responsible for a colourful, bright halo around the poles.

Why Only Happen In Polar Regions?

The Magentic field, that protects Earth from harmful solar winds, is the weakest in polar regions. That's why the aurora happens there.

Aurora Australis

The same scientific phenomenon also happens in the Southern Hemisphere around the Antartica, it is called Aurora Australis.


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