Sleepy Heads:7 Most Sleepy Animals In The World

Priyanka Soam
Sep 23, 2024


Koala sleeps are the sleeping champions who sleep at least 22 hours a day, It is because of their low-energy diet of eating eucalyptus leaves, which take time to produce energy and digest.


Sloths are slow paced and sleep at least 20 hours a day often in short intervals, interestingly they can sleep even hanging upside down from trees.

Little Brown Bat

Little brown bats are nocturnal bats that spend most of their sleeping often in groups at least and sleep at least 19 hours a day.

Giant Armadillo

Giant armadillos spend most of their time underground and sleep at least 18 hours a day because of their low energy lifestyle.


Opossums sleep at least 16 hours a day but sleep only during the day and are active at night and often play dead to conserve dead.


Tigers are apex predators that sleep at least 18 hours a day to conserve energy for hunting and stalking.


Lemurs sleep at least 15 hours a day to maintain energy levels for their foraging activities and often sleep in groups to share body heat to conserve energy.


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