Top 7 Interesting Facts About Chameleons

Vanshika Gaur
Sep 30, 2024

Moves Slowly

They move very slowly just like the leaves in the wind. They move like this so they don’t attract the predators and also hunt without letting their prey know.

Communicate Through Colour

The chameleons are known to communicate with each other by changing their colour. For example, the chameleon might change itself in a bright colour to attract the mate.


They are the masters of camouflage. They camouflage themselves to show emotions, communicate and regulate their body temperature.

360-degree Vision

Chameleons have a 360 Degree Vision, i.e., they can move their eyes in all directions. It helps them to view their surroundings properly.

Huge Tongue

Their tongue’s length is twice as large as their body’s size. Their long sticky tongue helps them to catch their prey.

Unique Feet

They have a Zygodactyl foot which helps them have a strong and good grip on the branches.

Isolated Creatures

Chameleons are creatures that don’t prefer groups and like living alone. They get aggressive when they feel like their space is invaded.


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