Top 7 Languages Spoken In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024

Chinese – 1.3 billion Native Speakers

Chinese is considered as the most spoken language in the world. It has around 1.3 billion native speakers in the world.

Spanish – 486 million native speakers

Spanish is the second most spoken language with 486 million native speakers in the world.

English – 380 million native speakers

English is the most common official language in the world.

Arabic – 362 million native speakers

Arabic is the fourth most spoken language in the world with 362 million native speakers.

Hindi – 345 million native speakers

Hindi is the fifth most spoken language spoken in the world with 345 million native speakers, it is mostly spoken in India.

Bengali – 237 million native speakers

Bengali is the sixth most spoken language in the world with 237 million native speakers.

Portuguese – 236 million native speakers

Portuguese is the seventh most spoken language in the world with 236 million native speakers, spoken in countries like Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde etc.


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