Top 8 Largest Populated Cities In The World

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 22, 2024

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, the capital of Japan has a massive population of 37,115,035 population. This makes it one of the most populous cities in the world.

India, Delhi

Delhi, the capital of India, has a vast population of 33,807,403 population. It is one of the most populous cities in the world and a hub for culture, politics and economy.

China, Shanghai

Shanghai is one of the largest cities of China with a population of 29,867,918.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh has a population of 23,935,652. It is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil’s largest city has a population of 22,806,704.

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo has a population of 22,623,874 population. This ancient city is a hub for culture, history and economy.

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City, the capital city of Mexico has a population of22,505,315. It’s vast population creates a diverse and dynamic community with a blend of traditions and innovations.

Beijing, China

Beijing, the capital of China has a population of 22,189,082. The city is a centre for politics, culture and education.


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