Top 8 Loudest Animal On Earth

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 25, 2024

Whales - 230 db

Whales are the loudest animals on Earth, with sounds reaching levels of up to 230 decibels. That is as loud as a jet plane.

Tiger Pistol Shrimp - 200 db

The tiger pistol shrimp commonly known as snapping shrimp, makes a loud snapping sound with its claws, reaching levels of up to 200 decibels.

Bulldog Bat - 140 db

The bulldog bat is one of the loudest bats in the world, with sounds reaching levels of up to 140 decibels. Like other bats, it also uses echolocation to navigate and capture food.

Green Grocer Cicada - 135 db

The green grocer cicada is one of the loudest insects in the world, with sounds reaching levels of up to 135 decibels. They use drum-like mechanisms in the abdomen that make pulses of sound.

Kakapo - 132 db

The kakapo is a large, flightless bird that makes a loud, booming sound of up to 132 decibels to attract mates. They also produce this sound to define their distinct territories.

Howler Monkeys - 128 db

Howler monkeys are known for their loud, piercing calls, which can reach levels of up to 128 decibels that can be heard from over 4.5 miles (7 km) away.

Elephant - 117 db

Elephants make loud rumbling sounds to communicate, reaching levels of up to 117 decibels. The sound is as loud as a chainsaw or an ambulance siren.

Grey Wolf - 115 db

Grey wolves are loud howlers, with sounds reaching levels of up to 115 decibels. Their howls can be heard for miles.


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