In a significant development, US President Donald Trump on Sunday (August 23) announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorised the emergency use of plasma therapy for the treatment of coronavirus COVID-19 patients.


"Today, I am pleased to make a truly historic announcement in our battle against China virus, that will save countless lives. The FDA has issued an emergency use authorisation for a treatment known as convalescent plasma," President Trump said.

"It's only made possible because of Operation Warp Speed, i.e. everybody working together. We're years ahead of approvals. If we went by the speed levels of past administration would be 2-3 yrs behind where we're today. That includes vaccines you would be hearing about very soon, very shortly. To deliver treatments and vaccine to save lives, we are moving unnecessary barriers and delays, not by cutting corners but by martially the full power of the federal government," he added.

Providing more details, the US president said, "We provided $48 million to fund the studies that tested the efficacy of the convalescent plasma treatment. According to the study, around one hundred thousand Americans have already enrolled in receiving this treatment. In clinical studies, convalescent plasma reduced mortality by 35 per cent. Based on science and data, the FDA has found the treatment to be safe and very effective," he said.

President Trump also appealed to all the Americans who have recovered from coronavirus to donate plasma.

Talking about the steps taken by his government in tackling the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump said, "The US has experienced the lowest case fatality rate among major countries of the world."

Hours after President Trump's announcement, the US FDA released a press statement saying that the federal agency has "issued an emergency use authorisation (EUA) for investigational convalescent plasma for the treatment of Covid-19 in hospitalised patients as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to fight Covid-19."