10 Largest Egg Producer Countries In The World


Egg production in China is the highest in the world, and there is plenty of demand for both internal and foreign sales. The big population and expanding middle class in the nation contribute to the high egg consumption.

United States

The production of both conventional and organic eggs is one of the country's main industries. The nation exports a sizable volume of eggs and egg-related products.


India is one of the top producers of eggs and has a robust poultry sector. The nation's population frequently uses eggs as a source of protein, which contributes to the high demand.


Brazil produces and exports a significant quantity of eggs, and its poultry sector is expanding. The nation gains from its abundant agricultural resources and ideal environment for raising chicken.


Mexico has a thriving poultry industry, and the production of eggs is essential to the nation's food supply. The general population consumes a lot of eggs and they are a cheap source of protein.


The increase in demand and modernization of the poultry business have led to a significant increase in egg production in Russia in recent years.The country's vast land area and favorable conditions for poultry farming contribute to its success.


Japan is a major producer of eggs and has a high demand for them. The growing egg industry is fueled in part by the widespread use of eggs, which are an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine.


There is a high demand for eggs due to Indonesia's huge and expanding population. Eggs play a significant role in the local cuisine, and the nation has a thriving chicken sector.


With a well-regulated and advanced poultry sector, Germany is one of Europe's top producers of eggs. The nation places a focus on animal welfare requirements and produces a variety of egg types to cater to consumer tastes.


Eggs are a crucial component in many French meals, which are renowned for their culinary traditions in France. A sizable egg producing industry exists in the nation, assuring a consistent supply for both internal consumption and export.


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