New Delhi: A vegetable vendor in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal was booked on Tuesday after a video showing him cleaning coriander leaves in drain water went viral. Officials said that they visited the purported market but could not trace the vendor in the video.


The incident took place in the city's Sindhi Market and the man who shot the video can be heard repeatedly telling the vendor that washing vegetables in drain water was harmful. But the vegetable vendor goes about his business and does not answer why he was doing the unhygenic act despite being asked to comply.

The video posted on Twitter was captioned: "Attention, your health is being toyed with, hope you are not buying such vegetables. Vegetables is being washed away in drain water in Sindhi Colony of Bhopal. Appropriate action is requested, please take cognizance of the matter," the tweet read (roughly translated from Hindi).


District Collector Avinash Lavania took cognisance of the matter and ordered a probe, as per PTI report. "Taking cognisance of the matter, I have directed officials concerned to take action. I have told food department and civic officials to take strict action on receiving information of adulteration and contamination," Lavania was quoted by the news agency.

Also, Bhopal District's Food Safety Officer Devendra Kumar Dubey lodged a complaint against the unidentified vendor at Hanumanganj police station. A case under IPC section 269 (whoever unlawfully or negligently does any act which is likely to spread the infection of any disease dangerous to life) has been was registered. 

(With inputs from PTI)

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