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International Men's Day: Shouldn't laws be made gender-neutral

With this year's theme focusing on men's and boy's health, it becomes even more important to improvise gender relations, highlight positive male role models and promote gender equality.

International Men's Day is here and it is time to recognise the efforts and pay equal weightage to both the sexes, in fact, all that exist.

With this year's theme focusing on men's and boy's health, it becomes even more important to improvise gender relations, highlight positive male role models and promote gender equality.

Aren't men deprived of gender-neutral laws and isn't it becoming a women-friendly world?

Well, that's the perception most of the experts carry when it comes to specifying the gender equality laws and they believe that the attention should not only be specified to women.

A glance at some of the issues which men face in our society:

  • Marginalisation
  • Shorter life expectancy
  • Challenges in education
  • Male sexual violence
  • High male suicide rate
  • Challenges faced by fathers
  • Negative portrayal of men in our society

With the commemoration of this day existing in over 70 countries globally, things can definitely be done to address the issues.

Here are some of the measures that should be taken to fill the void.

  • Promotion of positive male role models is a must and that should not be restricted to just celebrities and sportsmen but should be more widespread and reach the everyday men.
  • Celebrate men's positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and to the environment. A mere word of appreciation can do wonders taking into consideration men's lesser thirst for esteem as compared to women.
  • Focus needs to be paid to men's health and wellbeing and not just physical but emotional, social and spiritual as well. For this, the women in the house and society need to take a step ahead.
  • To highlight discrimination against men especially in areas of social services, social attitudes, expectations, and law.
  • To create a safer, better world; where people can live free from harm and grow to reach their full potential

A study says that it is foolish to expect men to believe in gender equality and change their mindset while expecting them to meet old traditional social expectations.

It is quite strange that even after so many years of India`s independence, not a single study has been done by the government that is related to the domestic and social life of a man and in understanding his problems.

As the world moves towards gender equality and gradual elimination of traditional gender roles, we have to keep reminding ourselves that gender equality is a two-way street.

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