Mumbai: Anushka Sharma unveiled the trailer of her home production – Phillauri – a film in which she essays Shashi, a friendly spirit. Directed by Anshai Lal, ‘Phillauri’ also stars ‘Udta Punjab’ sensation Diljit Dosanjh, who essays the role of Shashi’s lover.


The trailer of the film will definitely leave you in splits! The trailer begins with a young boy (played by Suraj Sharma) being told by his family to marry a tree because he was born under an unfortunate star! What unfolds thereafter is something for you to watch.

Interestingly, the second part of the trailer is intense and intriguing. It is apparently set in a different time zone!

Check out the rib-tickling yet captivating trailer here:

Slated to release on March 24, ‘Phillauri’, set int he backdrop of Punjab, is touted as “an out-and-out full family entertainer.