New Delhi: As soon as the trailer of Taapsee Pannu starrer and Anurag Kashyap directed ‘Dobaaraa’ released, the Indian audience encountered a never seen before thill. While the film constantly travels high in the valleys of its mysterious world in every frame of its trailer, it is truly one of a kind that has a niche genre and is a thriller that will come with a whole lot of conflict, unexpected twists, and tensions. 


While Ektaa Kapoor produced ‘Dobaaraa’ is a story that is basically based on the unique concept of Time travel, let us dig into the world of films that brought up the stories of time travel.

1. Tenet

While the film takes down the deeper lane of the future, Tenet is a masterpiece by Christopher Nolan. The film talks largely about the after-life concept of survival and fighting through a twilight world. Where the film keeps opening new chapters for the protagonist to deal with, it keeps up the audience engaged in the world of its future travel. 

2. Interstellar

Another masterpiece by Christopher Nolan, Interstellar also took down the audience into the concept of time travel in another way. While the film also talked about survival on the earth, the story further goes inside the outer universe. It keeps the audience captivated with its imaginary yet the close-to-reality concept of time travel.

3. Star Trek

Directed by J. J. Abrams, Star Trek is a film that further magnifies the world of time travel with a lot of adventure. The film also had its theme set in outer space which correlates to and takes the audience deep into the theories of a black hole. 

4. Dark

Made under the direction of Baran bo Odar, Dark is a series that challenges the chronology of the past present, and future. The story is very well explained with an experiment on the human that keeps on bringing interesting twists and turns with every succeeding episode. 


Ektaa R Kapoor’s and Anurag Kashyap’s Dobaaraa starring Taapsee Pannu in the lead is another cinematic wonder in the time travel genre. It's a new-age thriller that is a perfect blend of fear, Suspense, and mystery. Such a deep and unique story has never been seen by the Indian audience and will definitely create havoc with its release.  

Starring award-winning actress Taapsee Pannu, the film is directed by the acclaimed director Anurag Kashyap and produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ektaa R Kapoor's Cult Movies, a new wing under Balaji Telefilms and Sunir Kheterpal and Gaurav Bose (Athena). 

Watch Dobaaraa on 19th August 2022 at the cinemas near you.