New Delhi: Actor Resh Lamba who was previously seen in City Lights, India's Most Wanted, Bell Bottom, Dybbuk(Amazon), Netflix's 'Ghoul', 'She 2' among others will be seen next in the film Haddi starring alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui playing his ally.


Giving insight about his role he says, "In Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer 'Haddi', I am playing Nawazuddin Siddiqui's partner during his initial days in the story. As long as they are together, they complement each other in the story. My character in the film is the force to keep the story going."

Sharing about how he landed into the role he says, "I was called by a casting assistant from Parag Mehta's casting team and was given a brief about the character. I received an audition script, which I prepared. Then I was called to the office by an associate. We had two rounds of auditions and later I was selected for the part."

Spilling beans on his working experience with Nawazuddin Siddiqui he states,"Working with Nawazuddin Siddiqui was a breaking experience as far as the craft of characterization is concerned. I observed him during the takes and found, how deeply he works on even the smallest of nuances and the implication of the balance between the movements, gestures, and dialogues."

Recalling his shooting experience for the film he tells,"Each and every scene we performed in the film is an absolute memory, because I was working on a film set for the first time in my life without the script and any prior preparation because no actor on the set was given a bounded script. No one was prepared as far as the lines are concerned but everyone was prepared for the unseen. We had to improvise a lot during the shoot. And it was great as an actor to have a creative experience like this."

Haddi' is a noir revenge drama directed by Akshat Ajay Sharma and has been co-written by Akshat and Adamya Bhalla. The film was shot in areas around Western Uttar Pradesh, including Noida and Ghaziabad, and is scheduled to release in 2023.