United Nations, Sept 30: Myanmar military junta, which has come under severe criticism for jailing pro-democracy activists, has said the international community has not given it the credit for "substantial" steps taken to usher in a "genuine and disciplined" democracy. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Myanmar's Foreign Minister U Win Aung claimed the government has establish peace following successful negotiations with armed groups that had been fighting the government for decades.

It has also taken steps to narrow gap between urban and rural areas and "worked tirelessly" to provide healthcare, education and housing, he added. But he did not mention anything about pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who remains under house arrest following her release from hospital on Friday.

Win Aung said his government is taking step-by-step approach to bring in democracy. These include convening the national convention that was adjourned in 1996 and has never been recalled since then. The second step is drafting of the constitution and its adoption through a referendum. The process, he says, would lead to election to legislative bodies and building of a modern democratic government.

Stressing that the military junta has the will to bring in democracy, he justified the military rule, saying that the country had to be rebuilt from scratch.

"Now the firm foundation have been laid, we have moved to next phase of drafting a new Constitution and to build a democratic nation," he added. Bureau Report