Colombo, July 13: As Tamil politicians and the press speculated on Sri Lanka's military links with Israel, the government today moved to play down defence minister Tilak Marapana's previously unannounced visit to the Jewish state. Breaking its silence three days after the minister left for Israel, the defence ministry in a statement said the visit had been planned more than six months in advance and had nothing to do with the "developments" here.
The minister was accompanied by navy chief Daya Sandagiri, but the ministry said that was a "coincidence".
"The minister and the commander visited Israel at the first available opportunity in view of their duties and it was by coincidence that these two visits took place at the same time, and not to respond to the developments that have taken place in Sri Lanka," the defence ministry said.
The visits came as tension rose between the Sri Lankan navy and the ltte following the sinking of the second Tiger merchant vessel in disputed waters.
The Tiger rebels have been accused of trying to smuggle in weapons despite a ceasefire that is in place since since February 23 last year.
Israel is a key supplier of weapons to Sri Lankan security forces and the visit sparked angry reactions from pro-rebel Tamil politicians who accused the government of trying to beef up the military while talking peace.
Press reports also said that the visit was linked to purchase of military hardware.
Bureau Report