Mumbai, Aug 31: In a bare-all, exclusive interview to Zee New, underworld don Chhota Rajan today revealed that Dawood Ibrahim was behind the series of bomb blasts that rocked Mumbai on March 12, 1993. Speaking to Zee news correspondent over the phone from an undisclosed location, Chhota Rajan also admitted to killing Dawood aide Mirza Beigh because in Nepal "he was an ISI agent" and was plotting to kill Advani. Talking about his soured relationship with one-time associate Dawood, Rajan said that he fell out with Dawood after the 1993 blasts. "Inspite of my telling him that this was wrong, he went ahead with the blasts. You may say whatever you like about my work, but I am a patriot. Dawood was anti-national...Hence, we fell out. Rajan also talked about Dawood's right hand man Sharad Shetty. "Shetty is in-charge of the drugs and gambling unit of Dawood's company," he said.
In a startling revelation, he said that the underworld was planning to launch a number of television channels to tighten its hold on the country. Bureau Report