New Delhi: AGS Transact Technologies initial public offer (IPO) was subscribed more than 8 times on the final day of subscriptions on Friday, January 21, signalling a robust investors’ support. Investors who had bid for the offer can check AGS Transact Tech IPO latest GMP and expected listing price to find out how much they could make in listing gains. 


AGS Transact Tech IPO received offers for 2.87 crore equity shares against an offer size of 22.35 crore. This translates into a subscription of 8.22 times. The retail investors' portion was subscribed 3.25 times, while the qualified institutional buyers' category was subscribed 2.82 times. Also, the non-institutional quota received 27 times subscription, according to the data shared by the company.

Earlier this week, the company had raised Rs 204 crore from anchor investors on Tuesday. The IPO is purely an offer of sale of equity shares worth Rs 680 crore by the promoter and other selling shareholders.

AGS Transact Tech had fixed the price band of the IPO at Rs 166-175 apiece. The opened for public subscription on January 19 and concluded today, January 21.

AGS Transact Tech IPO Latest GMP

The grey market premium (GMP) for AGS Transact Tech IPO shares is around Rs 15, according to market experts. 

AGS Transact Tech IPO Expected Listing Price 

The share is being traded in the grey market at a kostak of Rs 200. This means that the share of AGS Transact Tech IPO could potentially list at a price of more than Rs 200. 

About AGS Transact Tech 

AGS Transact Tech is an integrated omni-channel payment solutions provider. Also Read: Aadhar Card Update: Check steps to get Blue Aadhar Card for your kids

It provides customised products and services comprising ATM and Cash Recycler Machines (CRM) outsourcing, cash management and digital payment solutions including merchant solutions, transaction processing services and mobile wallets, PTI reported. Also Read: Budget 2022: Most people feel income tax exemption limit could be raised from Rs 2.5 lakh, says KPMG Survey

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