It's a new day, a new beginning. It's all about starting life afresh. So as you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell.



Today’s day seems to be very special in your workspace and love life, Aries! Don’t be worried about what haters think. If they aren’t paying your bills, pay them no mind!

As the sun sets in, you might be able to go to dinner with a loved one if that’s what you have been wishing for, for a long time. Put on the best outfit you have and your dancing shoes. It’s going to be a night to remember! Seems like the stars have aligned just for you.


You’re going to be very surprised at how far you’ve come by the end of the day, Taurus! It’s been a rough couple of months for you but things are finally falling into place. By the end of the day, you might get a surprising phone call which will lead to good news. Make the most of it and get excited! It’s time for you to shine again 


Financial and family issues have been in the air for a while. Don’t worry because today you’ll finally feel at ease. Try and get in some family time today and get back to your usual self at work. While you do this, try and eat a healthy meal and watch how your day starts to get better! 


Sit back and enjoy the last couple of days of this month, Cancer! You’ve been worried about education but that doesn’t mean you should lose hope. Try going out and meeting your friends, study hard for that test and watch how things just start working for you. By the end of the day, you may also get a call from a loved one and even though you’ll be surprised, sit down and enjoy the time! Your lucky period starts now! 


This month has been dedicated to you, Leo! Happiness and Joy seems to be in the air and you seem to be consuming most of it. Today, try and spend some time at a yoga centre or in the gym and remember what it feels like to be in charge of yourself again. Try and save some money because you might need it in the near future. Your life seems to be set as it is, just keep enjoying! 


Education seems to be just the plan for you! If you’ve been thinking about going outside your comfort zone to study, go for it! While you’re at it, try and get in some family time so you can feel at peace because there’s been too much stress around. Keep striving for success, it’s meant for you!


Even though things at home have been a little off recently, don’t lose hope! 

The weather seems to be really good for a long drive and some good food. Travelling seems to be in the air for you too today, maybe even if it’s just a short drive! While you’re at that, you may also come across someone special! Don’t just drive past it because of your mood maybe this is your cue for a better mood! 


If you’ve been feeling a little low because of your love life, it’s time for you to let go off that sadness. Education has been a little difficult for you to cope up with recently so maybe you should go out for a run or put in some healthy food in your system, shake yourself up a little bit and get back to hitting the grind! 


Financial matters are just about to fall in place. You’ve been upset and faced a couple of rough months but it ends now!

If you’ve been looking for good job offers, this is the time to pull out that perfect suit from your closet. Your family has felt a little distant from you lately, try and change that today. Take your wife out to dinner or bring gifts home for your kids and spend time with them. The only thing in the air for you now is success and happiness! It’s way overdue! 


You’ve been waiting to get a promotion or get a chance to move out of the country you’re in right now. This is your sign!

Pack your bags because the struggle is over! Try and get back in touch with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. You never know, the start of that conversation may be your first road to happiness 


If you’ve been out and about with friends for a couple of months, it’s time to get back to education. Don’t worry because this is going to be a lot of fun too. It’s time to make new friends and offline school/college might do just the trick!

Your career seems to be going very good so keep up the hard work. You might hear from an old friend today, don’t miss out on that opportunity and spend the rest of the day with them 


Travelling seems to be in the air for you, Pisces! You’ve been in your comfort zone for too long

Picking up a good book today and focusing on your career is advisable. Later in the day, you may get some good news regarding your family. Try and spend the rest of the night with them and celebrate all the greatness around you. Don’t forget to be grateful

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.