New Delhi: It is that time of the year when a huge bouquet of flowers is seen more often than not. No price for guessing that the Valentine Week has begun today with February 7 being the Rose Day. Lovers and friends exchange roses on this day and celebrate the special day with utmost zest.


The Valentine Week begins from February 7 and lasts till 14th of the month. The air is filled with love and no one's complaining. But you know, social media can be quite innovative in celebrating special days. Well, this time a meme fest has been unleashed on Twitter and Rose Day jokes have flooded the internet.

We thought of compiling some of the most hilarious ones for you to have a good laugh right away:

Starting from Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day to Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and finally the much-awaited Valentine's Day. So, start planning your entire week according to Valentine's calendar.

Here's wishing our readers a very Happy Rose Day!