
There will be a sense of positivity and energy in your work and personal life. Channel all your energy and enthusiasm into what you love and are passionate about. Love, commitment, and partnership will be based on shared values and interests. Entering a mutually beneficial partnership with a friend or a business associate is indicated. You and your partner will have mutual respect and understanding for one another & your bond will strengthen.



It would help if you were strong-willed and defiant. The environment around you could be hostile, and you may feel outnumbered, but you must be ready to fight back. Take care of your financial security through proper financial planning, investments and savings. In relationships, it is an emotional time positively. Communication within the family and with the partner will improve. It’s a good week for those wanting to find love and who want to settle down with a partner.


You need to give time and attention to your relationship and family this week. Someone in the family will need extra attention and care. Be more compassionate and considerate towards your spouse. Try to maintain a balance between your work and family life. Avoid confrontations and arguments at work. Focus on your work, and don’t bother about what others think. Be careful of deceit or cheating in business or financial matters.


There could be some disputes at work and some tension within the family. Watch out for someone around you who loves to create unnecessary drama and action. Be more flexible, receptive and understanding. Your hard work and efforts in the past will pay off. There will be good news concerning finances, business, education, and property. There will be an opportunity to seize it and start working on it.


After a stressful period, things improve on the work front. There could be an improvement in the position, or you may leave an unfulfilling job and go for a better one that offers more freedom and opportunity. There is a possibility of a transfer or relocation. Your relationship is set to move forward. You and your partner will spend quality time together to strengthen your bond and connection. Singles may meet someone.


You will have a good time with your friends and family. You will get important information related to work. You will be fierce and strong-willed towards achieving your goal. This week marks the birth of a new idea, a project that utilises your intellect & that could prove profitable. Obstacles will get removed, and success is on its way. In love, you may have a choice to make- between lovers, work or love, family or love. 


You may feel some negativity in your relationship. Fear and misunderstanding will prevent you from being happy. Don't assume and accept whatever is happening around you; speak up and clarify. Business or entrepreneurial success that comes after hard work and a period of waiting is near. Projects and ventures are on track to success. You will have the support and cooperation from others. Collaborate with others to succeed. Finances will improve.


Material and earthly aspects are set to improve. Money is coming your way in the form of a bonus or promotion. It is an excellent time to make a long term investment. There will be fun and excitement in your relationship. Approach life and love with innocence and an open heart. Be spontaneous and joyful as you enter a new relationship.


It’s time for action to drive your plans forward & take new initiatives. There will be new beginnings in a new job or a business opportunity. Your finances will improve, or you will get a chance to make more money. You and your spouse will enjoy harmonious and happy times that bring out the best in you. Some of you will be required to choose a love matter. If you are single, loving is coming your way.


There seems to be a stalemate, and your love life feels stuck and not moving forward. You may be trying to choose between two potential partners. For couples, you must not ignore any existing problems but speak clearly to find a solution. This week marks the start of a new journey, career or project. Success is within reach, provided you are willing to invest the energy necessary to succeed. There could be a promotion, bonus or a new job. Finances will improve but do not overspend.


If it has been demanding & exhausting at work, use your energy wisely and plan meticulously to see you through. Surround yourself with those who love and support you. If you have worked hard, your efforts will pay. There may be some cash problems, so spend wisely and guard your money and valuables. You will enjoy an emotionally fulfilling time with your family and loved ones. A relationship with your partner will be loving and fulfilling. This is a great time for couples and those planning to settle down.


There are chances of serious arguments, tension and conflicts within the family. Apologise if need be to better family relationships. Avoid friction with your partner. You may not have any reason to be upset towards them, but you could snap at your partner. Position at the workplace will be stable; take a different approach towards completing your task. There may be delays or postponement of plans. A mentor may guide and help you make decisions.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)